Rinde Gebrauch - Pinus Sylvestris

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Roeland Paardekooper
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Rinde Gebrauch - Pinus Sylvestris

Beitrag von Roeland Paardekooper »

Wer weiss da etwas?
I study at Aalto University (Finland) and am writing my master's thesis about possibilities of pine bark in product design context. I have been trying to find out where and how pine bark has been used before. Can you maybe help me with this or suggest where I might find more information? I haven’t found too much information about the material, so hearing more about it in any context (archaeology, bushcraft or other fields) is actually interesting and useful to me.
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Re: Rinde Gebrauch - Pinus Sylvestris

Beitrag von Blattspitze »

"Stone tools are not fossil bones, but as it were, fossil thoughts, forever reminding me of the mind that shaped them." Henry David Thoreau
Beiträge: 2594
Registriert: 17.11.2007 17:38
Wohnort: Hamburg

Re: Rinde Gebrauch - Pinus Sylvestris

Beitrag von Blattspitze »

In Duvensee wurden im Mesolithikum Iso-Matten / Bodenbeläge aus Birken- und auf verschiedenen Fundplätzen auch aus Kiefernrinde benutzt:
https://www.researchgate.net/publicatio ... nseer_Moor

Hier auch S. 161; 1,9x0,7m groß:
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kl ... r-Moor.pdf

Die Sami haben es u.a. gegessen, wahrscheinlich kennt der Kollege diesen Artikel aber schon:
"Large sheets of bark were taken from trees in the spring, prepared and stored as a staple food resource. Inner bark was eaten fresh, dried or roasted. Smaller bark peelings were used for the wrapping of sinews."

Hier auch ein Hinweis auf ein "nudelartiges" Nahrungsmittel aus innerer Kiefernrinde bei den Indigenen Kanadas:" The sappy cambium (inner bark) of pine was eaten fresh in the spring, peeled from the tree in long juicy “noodles”. Late-season cambium, less sweet and tasty but flexible and with important antibacterial properties, was used as a packaging for food and bone implements."
http://republicofarchaeology.ca/digit/2 ... y-of-trees
"Stone tools are not fossil bones, but as it were, fossil thoughts, forever reminding me of the mind that shaped them." Henry David Thoreau
Roeland Paardekooper
Site Admin
Beiträge: 537
Registriert: 08.03.2008 22:09
Wohnort: Gotha

Re: Rinde Gebrauch - Pinus Sylvestris

Beitrag von Roeland Paardekooper »

Doug Meyer: Glue from pitch, bark has been documented by Steve Watts as a fishing float. Needles make a tea. Cambium layer is edible and a good winter edible because of easy identification.

Grégory Reynaud: In America I know that Natives used Pine roots in order to sew waterproof birch bark canoës...
We used it in France for chemistry in the Landes since XIXth cent. and locally it can release a substance called Mercapto-éthanol which stinks a lot... But generally we separate bark which is crushed in order to be put in flower pots sometimes melted with peats... We also can use the resin as a kind of joint in shipbuilding... Some extracts were used to produce varnish during 18th century. That's also used to produce a local glue in order to catch birds (wrens)... And that should be checked but some prehistoric dug-out pirogue were found also... Pines are so important for south-western France that we had a whole institute for that. Alas I realized that it closed in 2010...
(Marcin Krasnodębski, L’Institut du pin et la chimie des résines en Aquitaine (1900-1970), Thèse de doctorat soutenue à l'université de Bordeaux le 18 novembre 2016 https://tel.archives-ouvertes.fr/tel-01409230)
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