Klimawandel zerstörte Assyrische Supermacht?

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Klimawandel zerstörte Assyrische Supermacht?

Beitrag von Blattspitze »

Man findet das, was man kennt:

"... shortly after the death of the king Ashurbanipal around 630BC, the empire began to crumble, with the grand city of Nineveh sacked in 612BC. By the end of the seventh century BC, the empire’s fall was complete.

Now scientists say the reversal in the empire’s fortunes appears to coincide with a dramatic shift in its climate from wet to dry – a potentially crucial change in an empire reliant on crops. ..."

https://www.theguardian.com/science/201 ... esearchers
"Stone tools are not fossil bones, but as it were, fossil thoughts, forever reminding me of the mind that shaped them." Henry David Thoreau

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