Frisch vom (freien?) Obsidianmarkt

Moderatoren: Nils B., Turms Kreutzfeldt, Hans T., Chris

Frisch vom (freien?) Obsidianmarkt

Beitragvon Blattspitze » 26.01.2023 07:57

"More than 500 years ago in the midwestern Guatemalan highlands, Maya people bought and sold goods with far less oversight from their rulers than many archeologists previously thought.

That’s according to a new study in Latin American Antiquity that shows the ruling K’iche’ elite took a hands-off approach when it came to managing the procurement and trade of obsidian by people outside their region of central control." ... economics/
"Stone tools are not fossil bones, but as it were, fossil thoughts, forever reminding me of the mind that shaped them." Henry David Thoreau
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